Engaging in life
First post....here we go! Engaging in life seems like such a simple statement but reality proves in today's world not so much. I hear so many people complain they cannot have a conversation with someone due to a cell phone, email, work, or talking about themselves. People want interaction in fact we crave interaction. I have had several conversations lately in which I will start saying random things to see if the person is listening because I feel they are not. Or recently in a lunch conversation I asked my friend to put down the phone for a minute. PUT IT DOWN! TALK! Its amazing what a conversation can do for our souls even if its random subject matter. Engaging with another individual is one of the most beneficial healthy things we can do. I absolutely adore having lunch with one of my close friends. We carry on multiple conversations in a quick 45 minute lunch because we do not touch our phones unless needed. He keeps his phone in the clip and often times I feel rewarded and relaxed because of the fact I carried on a conversation. It may be absolutely the most ridiculous subject or we may be debating something but the words flow. I hear so many of my friends whining about their spouses or significant other playing candy crush or social media while at home. If they confront them all hell breaks loose. Engage people! Its how you fell in love to begin with! Another aspect I find sometimes can be so annoying is when people are going somewhere or doing something they have the phone right in front taking pictures or videos constantly. Enjoy the moment watch your kid or family or just stop and take it all in. I am guilty because I do take videos and pictures but I have gotten so much better at getting the quick shot I need and making the memory. I have tried to slow down on social media and spend more time in the moment. Just my thoughts as a society I think we have lost the art form of conversation and the habit of being present. Try it may be surprised what you find in the people around you and life you are letting pass you by.